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UnStruggling Podcast, Mental Wellness for Everyday People Trailer

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Will Gratitude Solve All Your Problems?
Happy Thanksgiving! OLD Lady Dodge and Raven talk about gratitude in this UnStruggling Podcast episode. The video is below but future episodes will be audio format only here on the website. Subscribe to our YouTube channel.

Weight. Wait…Don’t Strap on the Holiday Feedbag.
Old Lady Dodge and Raven talk about moderating food intake during the festive season, and the dilemma of whether one should indulge or practice restraint this time of year. They discuss mindful eating tips, the influence of anxiety on how people engage with food at social gatherings, and the social pressure at holiday gatherings to continuously eat.

Pessimism, Pleasantries, and Taking Control.
Raven and Old Lady Dodge talk about constructive pessimism vs defeatism, and navigating stressful situations by finding one way to take control. They discuss setting time boundaries when socializing as one way to take control, and they share their different views on polite and straightforward communication during social gatherings.

Holiday Cheer or Chill and What About Those Gifts!
Old Lady Dodge and Raven discuss their attitudes toward holiday celebrations during the festive season. They share some of their traditions for this time of year, frustrations with giving and receiving gifts, and why the holidays can be a stressful time for some people.

Building New Traditions
Raven and Old Lady Dodge talk about the benefits of establishing traditions, and why someone might want to change their holiday traditions. They share simple ways you can start approaching the holidays differently, and discuss some of the difficulties with family and holiday gatherings.